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VII. Choose the correct form of an adjective or an adverb. 1. He is old/older/ the oldest than he looks.
2. She is as bright/brighter/the brightest as her sister.
3. It’s the high/the most high/the highest mountain.
4. You live far/farer/farther than me.
5. It’s crowdeder/more crowded/the most crowded street than that one.
6. It’s the comfortablest/the more comfortable/ the most comfortable hotel in the town.
7. You’ve made the bad/the baddest/the worst report I’ve ever heard.
8. Beautiful/more beautiful/the most beautiful pictures make you feel fine

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 . He is older than he looks.

2. She is as bright as her sister.

3. It’s the high mountain.

4. You live farther than me.

5. It’s more crowded street than that one.

6. It’s the most comfortable hotel in the town.

7. You’ve made the worst report I’ve ever heard.

8. Beautiful pictures make you feel fine


Competition in the english language и мне

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