Есть ответ 👍

с английским. 16. He asked me where was I /I was living.
19. He asked me whether I knew / did know Chris.
17. He asked me if / have I had studied French.
20. He asked me when he could / did can call me.
18. He asked me how old was I/I was.
21. He asked me if I would/ will buy her present.

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Ответы на вопрос:

16. I was living

17. have I had

18. How old (I was)

19. knew (не уверен)

20.did can

21. would

16) l was living

17) have l had

18) How old (l was )

19) knew ( не верен )

20) did can

21) would

1. was received 2.have visited 3.don't have 4.don't work 5.hasn't played 1b 2a 3c

Популярно: Английский язык