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Open the brackets using Conditionals (I, II, III) LIf we go by plane, it (to be) more expensive. 2. We would miss the bus if we (not get up) early. 3.If we had given the address, he (send) the parcel Change the sentences into the reported speech 1. She said "I will join you tomorrow", 2. Ann asked" Nick, where did you go? 3. "Don't be silly", he said to his friend. 4. They wanted to know "Is the trip really interesting

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. stella always plays with her cat in the afternoon

2. ben   meets his friends after school sometimes

3.we never give chocolate our dog

4. paula and rachel are often late for work

5. simon usually walks his dog in the evening

подлежащее + сказуемое + определение + дополнение. наречие может стоять в начале, в конце, перед смысловым глаголом

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