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Grammar Issues to be revised:
1. Fill in the nouns protein (2), animal, spoilage, baby, meat (2), quality, pork, cell to form noun+noun attributive phrase. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The meat of sheep at the age of 6 or 10 weeks is known as the meat of... lamb.
2. There exist four... grades for mature mutton in the USA.
3. Meat is considered a complete ... food, for it contains all nine essential amino acids.
4. The problem of... preservation has been solved by developing new technologies such as freezing and irradiation.
5. ... microorganisms can be killed by addition of nitrite to meats.
6. In the USA... carcasses are graded according to the amount of edible meat.
7. Being the main constituent of... membranes, cholesterol is found
in all... tissues.
8. ... packing includes both slaughtering animals and processing their meat.
9. As fat content in meat grows, ... percentage decreases.
10. When meat is exposed to radiation ... microorganisms are killed

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It can be bought in a vegetable shop. it's yellow. his love monkey. you could buy in the supermarket. this is a sweet. his love bears. you could buy a bun. it is sweet and beautiful. it is eaten with tea.

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