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люди сфоткайте сор по английскому седьмой класс У меня есть фото но там плохо видно с 2 сторон все задания

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) letters have been posted by her. 2) my test has been already checked by teacher 3) all the windows have been opened by him 4) the present have been already bought by us 5) this exercise has been just done by me 6) the key has been already found by them 7) dinner is being cooked by somebody 8) the vase has been broken by somebody when i came 9) the letter was being written by somebody at 5  o`clock 10)the table is being laied by them   at the moment 11) the chairs have been taken from the classroom by somebody 12) невозможно сделать пассив, возможно, предложение написано неверно 13) the fish had been caught by them befor we arrived

Популярно: Английский язык