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1) What is your favourite food?
2) What is your favourite food that your mother/father cooks?
3) What food does your mother always tell you to eat and not eat?

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Ответы на вопрос:

My favourite food are burgers,pizza

My mother cooks every day very delicious soup.

My mom always tells me to eat broccoli, porridge

And forbids eating chips, lots of sweets

When i left  home,it was raining. i'll join you when i  drink  my tea. don't speak to him,  he is very busy: he is doing  some very urgent work.когда я вышел из дома,  шел дождь. я присоединюсь к вам, когда я попью чай. не разговаривайте с ним, он занят: он делает работу.

Популярно: Английский язык