Есть ответ 👍

1. I'll never forget(talk) to my boyfriend for the first time. * 2. My mum is always reminding me(do) my homework. *
3. I regret(inform) you about your poor test mark. *
4. You should avoid(drink) Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They contain a lot of sugar! *
5. She expects him(come) to her birthday party on Sunday. *
6. You should better(start) preparing for exams. *
7. I was glad(hear) about figure skating competition at the school skating rink on Saturday. *
8. There is no point in (ask) Tom for help! He's very selfish! *
9. My granny is looking forward to(have) a complete recovery. *
10. He asked the manager when...(buy) the accessories for the computer.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 talked
2 did
3 informed
4 drank
5 came
6 started
7 heared
8 asked
9 had
10 bought

Ты не отметила что надо делать,но как я поняла надо в времени. если нет то напиши

1. talking. 2.doing. 3informing .4drinking. 5coming 6starting 7hearing 8 asking 9having 10buying походу так как я поняла

Окей,без проблем,не буду.

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