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Subject / object pronouns Adam is with his mum. is with I see an elephant and a tiger. I see th The cat is playing with my brother. is playing with feeds • My sister feeds the cat every day. every day. . I don't like my uncle Bruno. I don't like buy flowers for • John and I buy flowers for our mum. likes eating Dominik likes eating a hamburger. play with every . Children play with pets every day. ed gh day ๆ SO • I like my grandma. I like • love going to the 7 id John and I love going to the cinema. til cinema. hate going to jo s You and Peter hate going to concerts. 4 concerts. . like eating so Peter and Sarah like eating pizza I can't find my notebook. I can't find You are my best friend. I love

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In this sport athletes have to overcome as soon as possible a certain distance on ice on a vicious circle. the winner is determined by points. people generally are engaged in it for strengthening of health, and also this sport develops speed, force, flexibility, dexterity and endurance of the athlete.

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