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1.Повторите тему “Употребление Past Simple и Past Continuous” по своему конспекту. 2.Выполните данное упражнение в своей тетради. Ex 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: 1. They ...(meet) while they ... (study) at university. 2. She ... (meet) your husband when she ... (work) as a nurse. 3. What ... you/do) when I ... (phone)? ( 4. Yesterday while Ann ... (cook) she ... (cut) her finger. 5.We ... (see) Sue when we ... (play) in the park. . 6.I... (not go) to school yesterday because I ... (be) sick. 7. When I ... (pass) my driving test I ... (get) my driving license. 8. When I ... (get up) this morning it ... (not rain). 9.1 .. not listen) when the teacher...(ask) a question. 10. When they ... (see) the boy, they quickly ... (pull) him out and ... (call) the police. I

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. They (met) while they (were studying) at university.

2. I (did not listen) when the teacher (was explaining) the problem.

3. We (saw) Sue when we (were playing) in the park.

4. When I (got up) this morning it (was not raining).

5. What (were you doing) when I (phoned)?

6. What (did you do) last weekend?

7. I (did not go) to school yesterday because I (was) sick.

How i did my summer this summer was nice. first mounth i usually walked with my friends and girlfriends. the second moninth was little bit better. i went to the sea. i was in chernomorsk. i have been there 5 days. then i came home in my sweet city.

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