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Task 2. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate preposition where necessary and the gerund. 1. Would you mind (to wait) in the hall?
2. Your sister thinks (to move). to Spain.
3. I hate (to visit) museums. It's so boring!
4. We are afraid (to visit) such scary places.
5. My father insists (to enter) this university.

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Ответы на вопрос:

3  I was listening to music while going home.

4 My sister climbed up a tree as soon as she saw a dog.

5 I was walking to work when I met my friend.


3 Я слушала музыку, когда шла домой.

4 Моя сестра залезла на дерево, как только увидела собаку.

5 Я шла на работу, когда встретила своего друга.

Популярно: Английский язык