27 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 20 ་་་་་ took 2 In 1998, Philip Boit (take) part in the Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan. His event (be) cross- country skiing, and the newspapers (write) about aim a lot because he was from Kenya, a country with no snow! Boits (prepare) well for the Olympics. Before competition, ho spend) biro monilis training . Finland. However, he (not win) the race - in Lart he 6 (finish) last. A Norwegian skier called Bjørn Dæhlie? win) the event, but he (not leave) immediately after the finish - he (wait) for Boit because he (want) to shake his hand. After this, Boit and Dæhlie became good friends. In fact, when Boit !! (have) a son a few years later, he 12 (name) him Dæhlie Boit! 8 9

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

Took. Was. Wrote. Prepared. Spent. he didn't winFinished. Won. He didn't leave. Waited. Wanted. Had. Named.

1. took

2. was

3. wrote

4. prepared

5. spent (или didn't spend , не понятно что там написано)

6. didn't win

7. finished


9. didn't leave

10. waited




How i like to go to my grandparents in the village on a spring break. there is such freshness that you can sniff on days and nights. there my friends are animals: the dog umka and tim's cat. i'm very good at playing with them. i helped my grandmother and grandfather plow the garden. it is very exciting. i invite you, my dear friends, to visit you. как же я люблю на весенних каникулах ездить к бабушке с дедушкой в село. там такая свежесть, что можно нюхать днями и ночами. там мои друзья животные: собака умка и кот тима. я хорошо с ними играюсь.я бабушке с дедушкой вспахивать огород. это увлекательно. приглашаю вас, мои дорогие друзья, к себе.

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