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1. Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1) Andy came and said that they (had written/had been writing) their essays for an hour and a half. 2) They (have learnt/have been learning) poems by heart this year. 3) When I got to the party, it already (had started/had been started). 4) It (has been snowing/has snowed) since morning. When will it stop snowing? 5) Do you think it (will snow/would snow) tomorrow? 6) I thought you (will visit/would visit) your granny tomorrow. 7) They don’t know when Mr Green (return/will return). 8) Jane (comes/will come) if you (ask/will ask) her. 9) Jack (was putting/put) on his coat when the telephone (was ringing/rang). 10) Fred constantly (comes/is coming) to school unprepared for his classes.
2.Complete these sentences with would rather or had better. 1) He … talk to someone who can help him. 2) We … fly than go by train: it will take us less time. 3) … you … have the blue balloon than the green one? 3. Use the appropriate function words to complete the sentences (down, out, off, up). 1) My friend was asked to beat… the rhythm of the song on a small drum. 2) He had to beat the dog … with a sack. 3) I could feel the sun beating … on my head. 4) He said that he had beating …

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Ответы на вопрос:

Какие слова past simple:   слова: knew, took, swam, won, came, was, went, wrote, ate, got, made, bought, learnt, ran, heard, found, spoke, rode. какие слова past perfect:   слова:   written, done, flown,   won, gone, swum, seen, got, been, made, taken, bought, learnt, eaten, heard, spoken, ridden, found, drawn.

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