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Please help im terrible at these in English ;w; it would be splendid if some one could of helped

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Ответы на вопрос:

I don’t know hshebehsbsvshshbdbdu



2) give gave given отдать, отдал, отдан

3) swim swam swum плавать, плавал

4) build built built строить, построил, строил

5) find found found найти, нашел

6) leave left left уходить, уйти

7) see sew seen видеть, видел увидел

8) write wrote written писать, написал написан

9) want went wanted хотеть, хотел

10) sing sang sung петь, пел, певший

1. does she live in a village not far from the volga? 2. where does s he live? 3.  does she live in a village or in a town not far from the volga? 4. she lives in a village not far from the volga, doesn't she? 5. who lives in a village not far from the volga?

Популярно: Английский язык