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Ex. 3. Make up dialogues on the basis of these situations. 1. You have failed to reserve a room in advance. Try to make the receptionist understand your position and register you at the hotel for several days. Find out how you can extend your stay, if necessary.

2. You’ve just checked in. Ask the receptionist what services the hotel offers, where you can have meals, a newspaper to read, etc., and how you can get to different places in the city you need.

3. You are staying at a small hotel abroad. Ask the telephone operator how you can make a call to the firm situated in the capital of the country.

4. You have to entertain some of your colleagues at the hotel where you are staying. Make arrangements with room service.

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Ответы на вопрос:

on monday we had five lessons. в понедельник у нас было 5 уроков.

the first lesson was russian. - первым уроком был язык.

in this lesson, we wrote dictation and did some exercises. - на уроке мы писали диктант и делали .

sasha went to the board. - саша ходил к доске.

sasha answered well and got five. - саша отвечал у доски и получил "пятерку".

after the second lesson, we went to the dining room. - после второго урока мы ходили в столовую.

i ate a sandwich and drank a cup of coffee. - я ел бутерброд и пил кофе.

i did not drink milk.   - я не пил молоко.

after school i went home. - после уроков я пошел домой.

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