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1)The spa treatment was relaxing i cant wait to go there again a)so...that b)as...as c)more...than d)such...that
2)Mark asked claire if she wanted to the cinema with him.
a)going b)to go c)to be going d)go
3)The aerobics instructior for told usout (там ще пару слів але я не розумію які)
a)stretch b)to stretch c)not stretch d)stretching
4)Dubai is said some of the most modern arhitecture in the world
a)having b)to have c)to have had d)to have been
5)More action on climate change to stop a disaster happening to the whole planct
a)needs b)is needed c)was needed d)to be needed
6)This is high security zone and ident card he worn all times
a)can b)would c)mas d)must
7) If i time i go logging every day
a)am having b)had c)have d)will have
8)This is jacket my wife bought for me
a)who b)whose c)what d)which
9)Charlote ___ on the couch all day thinking about the previous night
a)lied b)lay c)laid d)lie

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. lighter

2. colder, more yellow

3. heavier, heavier

4. tallest

5. tallest

6. higher

7. smaller

8. better

9. clean

10. most beautiful

11. largest

12. wider

13. larger

14. delicious

15. bigger

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