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Раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения I типа 1) If you … (not help) me, I … (not pass) the exam tomorrow. 2) If you bring the temperature down, this water __ (turn) into ice. 3) We … (buy) this car if you … (give) us a discount. 4) If my dad … (find) his tools, he … (be able) to repair my bike. 5) If David … (not give up) smoking, Liza … (not marry) him. 6) If I (to be) thirsty, I always drink fresh water. 7) Mary … (meet) her friends from Italy if she … (come) to the party. 8) If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next month. 9) They … (not let) you into the cinema if you … (lose) your tickets. 10) If my sister … (travel) to Japan, she … (buy) a kimono for me.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. If you do not help me, I will not pass the exam tomorrow.

2. We will buy this car if you give us a discount.

3. If my dad finds his tools, he will be able to repair my bike.

4. If David doesn't give up smoking, Liza will not marry him.

5. Mary will meet her friends from Italy if she comes to the party.

6. If you lend me the money, I will pay you back next month.

7. They will not let you into the cinema if you lose your tickets.

8. If my sister travels to Japan, she will buy a kimono for me.

1. Did they watch a film yesterday?

2. Did your friend study Japanise 2 years ago?

3. Did Mike call his parents an hour ago?

4. Did you have a math class last Monday?

5. Did you classmates walk to school yesterday?

6. Did we plan play a board game last night?

удачи Вам, и вашему братику!)

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