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Как написать 5 предложений по тебе present simple положительное

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Ответы на вопрос:

"по тебе" звучит странно,думаю вы это имеете в виду:
You look very good
You always ready to help me
You like dancing

Или вы имели ввиду "о себе"
I like skitting
I usually go to school at 7:45
I often go to the cinema with my father

1)I like apples and  pears. -я люблю яблоки и груши

2)My mom cooks well. -моя мама хорошо готовит

2) I am 10 years old.- мне 11 лет

4)Tom and Mary are friends.-Том и Мэри друзья

5)He plays football.-мы играем в футбол


можно корону



Morning: They got to S.. On Sunday

Afternoon: They walked aroun the center of London on Sunday

Evening: They went to a welcoming party on Sunday.


Morning: Thay had English...... on monday.

Afternoon: They visited the ..... on Monday

Evening: They watched .... on Monday


Morning: They had English lessons on Tuesday

Afternoon: They went on a ... on Tuesday

Evening: They took party.... on Tuesday


Morning: They had English lessons on Wednesday

Afternoon - evening: They took rides .... on Wednesday


Morning: They had English lessons on Thursday

Afternoon: They saw the .... on Thursday

Evening: They took part... on Thursday


Morning: They had English lessons on Friday

Afternoon: They visited Hamleys on Friday

Evening: They went to the airport on Friday

Популярно: Английский язык