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The plane safely took off and anna breathed a sigh of relief. she not like) flying. she knew that, according to statistics, it was the ) way of travelling, but it didn't make her feel any better. statistics were impersonal but when she imagined her plane flying over the ocean, she ) dizzy. the guy sitting next to ) was, on the contrary, happy and relaxed. he was listening to his cd player. his eyes closed) but when anna tried to reach for her bag on the luggage deck, he immediately stood up to help her. “thanks, i can do it ),” anna said and her voice shook. “are you ok, miss? ” the guy asked. “you look pale. are you afraid of flying? ” anna nodded. “take this. it do) you good,” the guy handed her a package of candies. “i always have candies when i fly.” it reminded anna her first flight. she and her granny flying) to new york for christmas. the six-year-old anna was cheerful and excited. she had a large box of candies on her lap and was afraid of nothing. “i wish i ) feel the same now,” anna sighed and took a handful of the candies. the guy looked at her in surprise.

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