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Переведите словосочетания с английского на русский b) to be formed into the required shape c) to use a power source other than human movement d) found in almost any workshop e) a perfection of the ordinary lathe f) to make non-circular holes

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Ответы на вопрос:

Б) придавая требуемую форму в) для использования источника энергии, отличного от движения человека г) можно найти почти в любой мастерской д) совершенство обычного токарного станка е) для выполнения некруглых отверстий

Hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. when i visited last month you had a lot of unsolved problems and you was a little bit depressed because of it. i hope that now everything is fine! you know that you can always rely on me and share all your troubles with me. i am also writing you to invite you to party, as you probably remember i have a birthday on march 27. we will celebrate at the restaurant, i hope that it will be a good chance for you to relax and meet new people (i have invited a lot of friends from my university). by the way, how was your brother’s birthday? i am sorry once again that i couldn’t come – i was sick and had to stay in bed. i am sending my gift to him through our friend ben. he turned 25, right? i will be happy to see him at my birthday as well. как-то.извени если не

Популярно: Английский язык