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10. John apologized (for, before, to) us (at, from, for) his words. 11. ... you (be told) already when your relatives (come) next week? 12. She has asked the clerk if all the trains (arrive) (on, in, at) time here. 13. I (not, feel) like visiting my relatives this year, so I (not, go). 14. It was announced that a new office block (construct) then. 15. Did you know that you (were to, had, must) prepare a report for the conference? 16. I couldn't pay for ... meal as I had left ... wallet at ... home, (a, an, the,-) 17. At the exhibition you will see (all, something, anything) you haven't met in your life yet. 18. "(At, on, in) accordance (with, to, from) the wishes of my people", the director said, "I am retiring from the company". 19. My son has ... very good German teacher, who knows ... language perfectly, (a, an, the, -) 20. My point of view is similar (with, to, and) yours, but different (out, with, from) Jenny's.

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The longest metro is in london. it is called "? " and is 4000 metres kilometers long.a) the traffic              b) the tube          c) the drive            d) rail way

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