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Надо сделать отрицательные и вопросительные предложения 1. while the rest of the family were hiding mrs smith’s husband bravely caught the beast
2. “i was just playing my best for the team”-, he said

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1.While the rest of the family were hiding mrs smith's husband doesnt caught the beast

2.“i wasn't playing my best for the team"-, he said


1.Does mrs smith's husband bravely caught the beast?

2.Does he playing my best for the team?

The pines family, the main family in the cartoon gravity falls. dipper and mabel are one of the main characters. they preodolevayut a lot of difficulties together. them from the city sent to the village uncle (grandfather) who soon turned out to be a twin brother. how would not fighting this family, they will never give each other offense. they are friendly. and their family need to take an example. семья пайнсв, главная семья в мультфильме гравити фолз. диппер и мейбл одни из главных героев. они преодалевают множество трудностей вместе. их из города отправляют в деревушку в дяде (дедушке) у которого вскоре оказался брат близнец. как бы не ссорилась эта семья, они никогда не дадут друг-друга в обиду. они дружные. и с их семейки нужно брать пример.

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