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Перепишите и переведите те предложения, сказуемые которых стоят в разных формах страдательного залога. Выпишите сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму 1.They will have reduced the delivery terms by the end of the year.
2.The output of agricultural products has seriously been affected by weather conditions.
3.The shareholders’ meeting was being held all day long yesterday.
4.A new joint venture in the service sector had been set up by the time of his return.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) billy! take three blue pens please.  1)  billy! count your pens, please.  2) peter! sing a merry song please2) peter! sing "jingle bells", please! 3)jane! take your bag and go home please  3) jane! stay at home, please, until you get well.  4) dino! count your pencils please.  4) dino! practise in counting more, please.  5) thomas! go to school please5) thomas! pay more attention to studying, please. 

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