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Вопрос 88: This jacket is too small. I need a bigger . a) tights
b) T-shirt
c) buy
d) try
e) size

Вопрос 89: Martha me for a coffee every morning. She works near me.
a) is meeting
b) meet
c) meets
d) met
e) has met

Вопрос 90: Let’s invite your friend ___ the party.
a) to

Вопрос 91: Gina to the Olympics when she was in London.
a) has gone
b) went
c) goes
d) is going
e) is gone

Вопрос 92: The class at 6 o’clock
a) finish
b) finishis
c) finishes
d) is finish
e) does finish

Вопрос 93: My grandmother never flown anywhere.
a) is
b) was
c) has
d) have
e) were

Вопрос 94: A changing room is a room ___ people try on clothes.
a) which
b) that
c) where
d) why
e) who

Вопрос 95: I live in London, but my sister in New York.
a) live
b) does live
c) lives
d) do not live
e) do live

Вопрос 96: The shops in our city at 9.30 a.m.
a) is open
b) open
c) opens
d) openses
e) opensis

Вопрос 97: The color of this skirt doesn’t me at all.
a) suit
b) suits
c) go
d) fit
e) match

Вопрос 98: a lot of coffee ?
a) drink you
b) you drink
c) do you drink
d) you do drink
e) does you drink

Вопрос 99: The children a lot of noise last night.
a) do
b) did
c) make
d) made
e) were

Вопрос 100: It’s Monday night, so you need to the rubbish out.
a) do
b) make
c) take
d) took
e) have

Вопрос 101: I Tom some money last week, and he hasn’t paid me back.
a) borrowed
b) lent
c) spent
d) spend
e) have spend

Вопрос 102: My university course finishes June.
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) of
e) is

Вопрос 103: I don’t go to eat very often.
a) off
b) out
c) up
d) for
e) to

Вопрос 104: Have you ever seen any Italian film?
a) Yes, I have
b) Yes
c) Yes, I was
d) Yes, I saw
e) Yes, I did

Вопрос 105: I ___ my parents tonight.
a) saw
b) see
c) am seeing
d) seeing
e) seen

Вопрос 106: Who’s paying the tickets?
a) on
b) for
c) to
d) in
e) of

Вопрос 107: She at the hotel very late last night.
a) got
b) go
c) arrived
d) went
e) gone

Вопрос 108: What did you think the book?
a) for
b) off
c) of
d) on
e) in

Вопрос 109: Have you your bed this morning?
a) done
b) made
c) cleaned
d) make
e) did make

Вопрос 110: This lesson started 9.15. You’re late again!
a) at
b) on
c) in
d) of
e) over

Вопрос 111: I’m going to Jill to our party this weekend.
a) speak
b) invite
c) stay
d) say
e) tell

Вопрос 112: How do you this word?
a) repeat
b) underline
c) pronounce
d) say
e) speak

Вопрос 113: We’re at a campsite because the hotels are too expensive.
a) hiring
b) staying
c) renting
d) selling
e) paying

Вопрос 114: Don’t worry the washing up. I’ll do it later.
a) about
b) on
c) for
d) of
e) up

Вопрос 115: dessert, but I’ll have one tonight.
a) I usually have
b) I’m not usually have
c) I have usually
d) I’m not usually has
e) I don’t usually have
Вопрос 116: Paul left school 2010.
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) of
e) off

Вопрос 117: I can’t go. I ___ my jacket.
a) didn’t clean
b) hasn’t cleaned
c) haven’t cleaned
d) don’t clean
e) am not clean

Вопрос 118: I’m looking for someone can speak Spanish.
a) who
b) what
c) how
d) why
e) whose

Вопрос 119: We to Verona and then drove to Rome.
a) flew
b) flown
c) flied
d) fly
e) has flown

Вопрос 120: They to the radio at the moment.
a) are listening
b) listened
c) listen
d) to listen
e) listen up

Вопрос 121: I to the USA.
a) have never been
b) am never been
c) was never
d) was never been
e) ’m never been

Вопрос 122: We to the cinema last night.
a) going
b) go
c) went
d) gone
e) have gone

Вопрос 123: We are tired. We ___ two essays in a row.
a) wrote
b) have written
c) have write
d) have wrote
e) write

Вопрос 124: She to work yesterday because she was ill.
a) doesn’t go
b) didn’t going
c) didn’t go
d) don’t go
e) didn’t goes

Вопрос 125: I at the moment because I’m on holiday.
a) ’m not working
b) don’t work
c) not work
d) be work
e) didn’t work

Вопрос 126: I always a shower before breakfast.
a) am having
b) have
c) has
d) having
e) have had

Вопрос 127: They burgers. They had fish and chips.
a) didn’t have
b) don’t have
c) didn’t had
d) did have
e) do have

Вопрос 128: Who your favourite singers?
a) be
b) are
c) is
d) was
e) been

Вопрос 129: How often to the theatre?
a) go you
b) do you go
c) you go
d) went you
e) did you

Вопрос 130: They early at weekends.
a) haven’t got up
b) aren’t getting up
c) don’t get up
d) hasn’t got up
e) hadn’t got up

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

We all know the world has its problems, particularly where the environment is concerned.  this can occur through the release of industrial waste, for example from mining and metal refining activities, into streams and rivers, from where it may make its way into the ocean. a variety of toxic metals can affect aquatic and marine life and may accumulate in the food chain, posing a threat to humans. another major source of water pollution is fertilizers, which can be washed into rivers and lakes from farmland, causing a phenomenon known as eutrophication. nitrates and phosphates, present in fertilizers, and essential for plant growth, can also promote uncontrolled multiplication of  algae  in lakes, causing an “algal bloom.” this reduces water quality and  oxygen  levels, and may kill fish.  мы все знаем, что мир имеет свои проблемы, особенно если речь идет о окружающей среде. это может произойти в результате выброса промышленных отходов, например, от горнодобывающей и металлургической деятельности по переработке нефти, в ручьи и реки, где он может внести свой путь в океане.разнообразие токсичных металлов могут повлиять на водной и морской жизни и может накапливаться в пищевой цепи, что создает угрозу для людей. еще одним важным источником загрязнения воды является удобрения, которые можно стирать в реки и озера от сельскохозяйственных угодий, в результате чего явление, известное под названием эвтрофикации. нитраты и фосфаты, присутствующие в удобрениях, и необходимые для роста растений, а также может способствовать неконтролируемому размножению водорослей в озерах, вызывая "цветение воды". это снижает качество воды и кислорода уровни, и может убить рыбу.

Популярно: Английский язык