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Ex. 1.Choose the right verb forms to complete the sentences.
1. It is the first time Adrian (saw/has seen) has Seen snow.
2. We (bought/have bought) a new dishwasher the other day.
3. My sister (fell/has fallen) off her bike lately.
4. They (came/have come) back just now.
5. We (heard/have heard) this tune many times.
Ex. 2. Используй суффиксы –an, -al, -ing, -ly, -less, -tion и приставку -un, чтобы образовать новые слова. Впиши их в предложения.

1. The sun was shining in the blue sky. (bright)
2. The sky was blue and . (cloud)
3. There are a lot of s in English. (borrow)
4. Have you finished your yet? (translate)
5. This song is with my classmates. (popular) We don’t like it.
6. Carla’s speech was very . (emotion)
7. Paul has already visited five cities. (Canada)

Ex. 3. Choose the right form to complete the sentences.
1) My little brother has never (swam/swum) in the sea.
2) I am learning English because I hope it will be (useful/ useless) to me.
3) Our teacher usually hands (in/ out/ back) our exercise books when classes begin.
4) I borrowed this book (to/ from/ out) my uncle.
5) Never talk (into / over / back) to me again!
6) If you (come / will come) tomorrow, you (see / will see) Jane.
7) The teacher asked us to hand (in/ out/ back/ over) our papers on Friday.
8) We`re such (-/ a/ an) good friends.
Ex. 4. Complete the sentences. Use Present Perfect
1) Mum (not, give) my lunch yet.
2) We (finish) our project.
3) You (read) the text?
4) They (write) Test Five.

Ex. 5. Form questions and negations.
1) She has already seen the new film.
2) We have taken so many pictures of Central Park.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1do you write books? 2do you have a pseudonym? 3do you write music? 4how many people know you? 5what famous belarusian poets do you know? 6do you know the works of "buba"? 7do you have a blog? 8do you have your own studio?

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