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Вставить артикли a,an,или the вместо точек. 1. I have got ... apple
2. ... building is very beautiful
3.This is ... piece of ... butter
4. ... Urals separate Europe from Asia
5. ... USA is ... biggest country in the world
6.I see ... bus in the street
7.This is ... jacket. ... jacket is made of ... wool
8. ... book is very interesting
9. ... Marry is ... pretty girl
10. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia
11. ... Mr.Jones has ... new office
12. ... Ivanovs received a new flat
13. There is ... table, ... telephone, ... computer
14. ... Russian Federation is ... largest country in ... world
15.Give me ... cup of ... coffee
16.This is ... blouse. ... blouse is made of ... cotton
17. Apples ripen in ... summer
18. This ... cosmonaut flew over ... Earth several times
19. Khabarovsk is situated on ... Amur
20. ... Moon shines brightly ... this night
21. She is ... teacher of English
22. We have ... twelve programmers on our TV
23.Last ... week i met her at .. bus stop
24.There are ... many students in ... our technical school
25. Usually i get up at ... 7 o'clock in ... morning.
26.I don't like such ... cake
27.My friend has no ... car
28.My sister will enter this ... University ... next year
29. Autumn begins in ... September
30. ... sky is grey when it rains
31. I am ... student
32.She is ... doctor
33.They have ... flat. ...flat is big
34. Will you have ...glass of ... juice?
35. It's ... sea
36.My friend has ... computer.
37. ... sky is blue, ... sun is bright
38.In ... winter we'll go to ... Alps
39. Y.Gagarin flew over ... Earth on ... 12th of April
40. ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk

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Ответы на вопрос:

"I miss you" (in general,в общем)

"I'm missing you" (прямо сейчас,right now)

Не так уж и много различий в контексте. " "miss you" " является более общим, в то время как ""missing you" " является активным, поэтому ""missing you"" немного тяжелее и имеет больше эмоций в нем.

Популярно: Английский язык