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EXERCISE 3.Розкрити дужки і написати правильну часову форму. 1. They (talk) on the phone now.
2. He always
(do) homework.
3. I (go) to work by bus every day.
4. My mum (cook) at the moment.
5. Sometimes my friend Vicky _ (play) computer games.
6. Our classmates (not/ sing) now.
7. We usually (not/ get up) at 7 o'clock.
8. 1 (listen) to pop music now.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 are talking

2 does

3 go

4 is cooking

5 plays

6 aren't singing

7 don't get up

8 am listening

БббоТтТ ЗнннАНниЯЯ - @united brai nly (БЕЕеЗЗз пРРОееелоооВ)

2. neither kate nor her friends are playing the game. 3. mary offers them some sandwiches. 4. inga buys neither cheese nor butter. 7. who used the computer the other day? 8. either boris or peter has spoken to the teacher about it.

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