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15 ВАРИАНТ 2 (обычный уровень сложности)

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Today there are more than 3,000 languages in the world. Some of them are

European languages. English is one of them.

You learn to speak when you are very young. You start learning a language

even without knowing that you are learning anything. The language that you

speak is the language you hear around you as you are growing up. It is usually

the language your family and your friends speak. If you are born in an English-

speaking family in the USA or Britain, you'll probably start to speak English.

If you are born in some other country, you are likely to learn the language of

this country.

1. There are several thousa

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Отр: 1. i didn't swim in the sea in summer. 2. i didn't see my old friends in august. вопр: 1. did you go to the beach this summer? 2. you didn't go to school in summer, did you? 3. was he in village? утверд: 1. i went to aquapark. 2. i was in village. 3. danny was at home all summer.

Популярно: Английский язык