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Task 4 (10 points). Fill in the gaps with one of the following verbs: read, raise, open, listen, sit, do, repeat, pay, write, arrive. Заполните пропуски следующими глаголами: read, raise, open, listen, sit, do, repeat, pay, write, arrive.

attention in class.
on time.
your workbooks on page 5.
the answer on the sheet of paper.
to the recording.
after me.
your hand when you want to answer the question.
your homework.

Think about your family and describe your fa answer (audio or video). Speak at least for 1 minute. Make full sentences using the Present Simple tense, constructions ”have got” and “there is/are”, different pronouns, modal verb “can”, the possessive case, etc. Provide the transcript to support your answer.

The following questions will help you. It’s not necessary to answer all of them, just use them to think about what you will say and the language you will need.

How many people are there in your family?
What are their names?
How old are they?
What can they do?
What personal things have they got?
What do they look like? Describe their appearance (their height and weight/build, the length and colour of hair, the size and colour of eyes, nose, lips, ears, facial features, etc.).

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,6(35 оценок)

Нельзя умножать центнер на часы, это две разные величины. центнер - величина массы часы - величина времени

Популярно: Математика