4. Put the phone call in the correct order. 3p.) a) Of course b) Hello, can I speak to the boss, please? _1_ I c) Oh. When's he coming back, please? d) Thank you. Bye. e) Good morning, Miss Ronda. I'm afraid the boss isn't here at the moment f) Who's calling, please? g) OK, I'll ask him to call you back h) Please, tell him Jane called. i) Jane Ronda. 1) I don't know. I think he's in a meeting k) So can I leave a message?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1 what is the capital of the uk?

какая столица великобритании?

2 what is the full name of the uk?

какое полное название великобритании?

ответы :

1 london

2 the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland

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