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с тестом буду благодарен тому кто желаю все лучшее в жизни и пусть повезет в жизни. 6. Choose the correct question sentence.
A) Have you cereal for breakfast?
B) Where works your father?
C) Can you play a musical instrument?
D) Where went you for your last holiday?
E) Was you read a book last night?

7. Choose the correct question sentence.
A) What sports did you watched yesterday?
B) How many cups you drink water?
C) What gym did you usually went to?
D) Is there a supermarket near here?
E) Is there any apples in the fridge?

8. Choose the correct variant: I a new mobile phone.
A) Am need
B) Needs
C) Wasn’t need
D) Need
E) Need not

9. Choose the correct variant: Could you me the salt, please?
A) To pass
B) Passing
C) Pass
D) Passed
E) Didn’t pass

10. Choose the correct variant: Mary never does any work! She’s very .
A) Lazy
B) Generous
C) Hard-working
D) Mean
E) Talkative

11. Choose the correct word: Antonio is because he doesn’t do any exercise.
A) Slim
B) Mean
C) Hard-working
D) Overweight
E) Thin

12. Choose the sentence with the correct word order: is Lily now what doing?
A) What is doing Lily now?
B) What Lily is doing now?
C) What is Lily doing now?
D) Lily is doing what now?
E) Lily is doing now what?

13. Choose the correct variant: We’ve decided to married in the spring.
A) Do
B) Go
C) Getting
D) Make
E) Get

14. Choose the correct variant: I got a new job. I hope to some money soon.
A) Buy
B) Earn
C) Find
D) Borrow
E) Sell

15. Choose the correct variant: Jamie doesn’t have any hair. He’s .
A) Blond
B) Fair
C) Bald
D) Black haired
E) Blond haired

16. Choose the correct word: David makes me laugh. He’s really .
A) Hard-working
B) Quiet
C) Serious
D) Funny
E) Lazy

17. Choose the correct variant: Be born
A) In Taraz, Kazakhstan, in 1988
B) A foreign language, English
C) Two sisters, a pet
D) Dance music, R&B
E) Exercise, sport

18. Choose the sentence with the correct word order: wearing are they why tracksuits?
A) Wearing why are they tracksuits?
B) Why they are wearing tracksuits?
C) Why are wearing they tracksuits?
D) They are wearing tracksuits why?
E) Why are they wearing tracksuits?

19. Choose the correct preposition: I arrived London on Friday night.
A) On
B) With
C) In
D) To
E) Of

20. Choose the correct preposition: My wife isn’t good cooking traditional dishes.
A) In
B) At
C) To
D) Of
E) With

21. Choose the correct preposition: Are you afraid swimming in the sea?
A) With
B) On
C) Of
D) At
E) In

22. Choose the correct preposition: Is she going to write him soon?
A) At
B) With
C) To
D) On
E) Of

23. Choose the correct preposition: I hate waiting ___ people who are late.
A) With
B) At
C) To
D) For
E) In

24. Choose the correct preposition: She spends a lot of money clothes.
A) To
B) On
C) With
D) Of
E) In

25. Choose the antonym of the following word: Stupid
A) Generous
B) Shy
C) Friendly
D) Intelligent
E) Lazy

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Ответы на вопрос:

Первый ответ под буквой E), второй ответ под буквой C), третий ответ под буквой A) , четвёртый ответ под буквой B), пятый ответ под буквой D), шестой ответ под буквой E) и так далее. Добавляй дальше букву C) всё время и букву A) надеюсь

Я буду писать перевод к словам на английском

рынок , канцерярский , парк , театр , парк атракционов, магазин , ТЦ , площадь ,  парикмахерская , зоопарк, ювелирный , супермаркет , река


Популярно: Английский язык