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РАСКРОЙТЕ СКОБКИ!! 1.Our neighbour said his name (be) Fred. (Наш сосед сказал, что его зовут Фред.)

2.He said he (be) tired. (Он сказал, что устал.)

3.I thought you (call) the doctor. (Я думал, что ты вызвал врача.)

4.We met the woman who (live) next door. (Мы встретили женщину, живущую рядом.)

5.Jane said she (can’t afford) to buy a new car. (Джейн сказала, что не может позволить себе покупку новой машины.)

6.She asked me how many books I (read) last month. (Она спросила меня, сколько книг я прочитал в месяце.)

7.Bob said he usually (go to bed) before midnight. (Боб сказал, что обычно ложится спать до полуночи.)

8I wondered why Sam (leave) without saying a word. (Мне было интересно, почему Сэм ушел, не сказав ни слова.)

9.Cavendish discovered that water (consist of) hydrogen and oxygen. (Кавендиш открыл, что вода состоит из водорода и кислорода.)

10.Alice and Henry said that they (be) from Florida. (Алиса и Генри сказали, что они родом из Флориды.)

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Opened june 6, 1954, on the soviet (now tver) area. sculptors s. m. orlov, a. p. antropov, n. l. strain. in the architect. s. andreev 800 anniversary of moscow in the autumn of 1947 (the year of foundation of the city is 1147-th – first recorded) had planned to celebrate in a big way, as the first post-war great holiday. september 7, 1947 in the soviet area was laid of the monument to yuri dolgoruky. it is known that by order of stalin, in 1946 it was an expedition to kiev, to find the remains of the prince and during the festivities ceremoniously rebury them. but success, she failed. then, in september 1946, held a competition for the best project, the winner was the project of s. m. orlov. the poet anatoly mariengof wrote: "the area changed the landmark changes men modern woman. before the empire palace first was a white general named skobelev; then personified the freedom of the zamoskvoretskaya young woman in roman attire; it was carved out of gray rough

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