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Описать своего героя на английском

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Ответы на вопрос:

For me, a hero is a person who always helps people always stands up for them. For me, a hero is a person who is always ready to help everyone. More than such people in the world!

Task 8.Match the appropriate word

8. The girl woke up crying because she had … a nightmare.

c. had

9. The shirt I wore that day was torn but I don`t think anyone … .

b. noticed

10. If you keep trying, you might … to do it.

b. manage

11. When I learned to ski, I practiced on a slope that was not too ….

c. steep

12. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too … .

d. low

13. He kept his job … the manager had threatened to dismiss him.

d. despite

14.In order to … with his studies he worked through the summer.

a. catch up


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