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Сверстник, наладить хорошие Контакты, влиять на чьё либо Здоровье, быть в курсе чего-либо,отвергать чью-либо идею,магазины и другие коммерческие предприятия, по моему опыту, иметь сильную привязанность к кому либо,увеличивать риск, мое отношение к кому/чему либо, С этими словами нужно придумать 5-7 предложений со смыслом, как единый текст

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Не учился в британской школе, но сейчас учусь в канадской. думая система образования одинаковая (=канада) напишу что знаю. in this essay, i would like to compare 2 different education systems, 2 different schools. britain and russia. as i know, in russia children go to school at 6-7 years old. but in britain at 5 years old. what about time? i asked my friend, he studies in britain, so, he said that he wake up at 7: 30, has breakfast and goes to the school bus. class starts at 9 a.m. i will not tell you about russian schedule, everybody knows.  also, i read on the internet that they can choose 4 subjects for 1 semester. 1 semester equal a half of year. in russian education system is absolutely different. i must study subjects with other guys. same subjects. 1 class=45 minutes. in britain, 1 class= 1 hour 10 minutes.  the coolest thing in britain school, they have no school uniform. i wanna study in britain! also, after 2 period (after 2 lesson) students have a break for 50 minutes. they can go to cafeteria, or to restaurants near the school. at the end i want to say that, i can say which education system is better, until i stady in both schools.

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