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3 Translate these sentences into your language. 1 A: Shall we look round the shops? B: Yes, that's fine with me. 4 It was a great party, but we made too much noise and the neighbours weren't very pleased. 5 I can't have lunch at the canteen. I haven't got 2 A: How about going for a swim this afternoon? B: I'd rather go surfing. Why don't we take our surfboards as well? enough money. 6 There are too many people on this bus. Let's walk into town. 3 Don't say 'I don't mind all the time! Say yes or no.

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Здравствуйте! Вам дан бан "Учебник". Причина: Спам. Добавление вопросов и ответов, не имеющих смысла или отношения к заданному вопросу или образованию, так же, как и ответы типа: "я не знаю", "посмотри в интернете", " решить" -расцениваются как спам и строго наказываются. При этом не засчитываются, а при выявлении нарушения даются предупреждение и бан.

3 Переведите эти предложения на свой язык. 1 А: Не осмотреть ли нам магазины? Б: Да, меня это устраивает. 4 Это была отличная вечеринка, но мы слишком шумели, и соседи были не очень довольны. 5 Я не могу пообедать в столовой. У меня нет 2 А: Как насчет того, чтобы поплавать сегодня днем? Б: Я бы предпочел заняться серфингом. Почему бы нам тоже не взять наши доски для серфинга? достаточно денег. 6 В этом автобусе слишком много людей. Давай прогуляемся в город. 3 Не говорите: "Я не возражаю все время! Скажи "да" или "нет".

1. have you hear about the restaurant marquise de salade? -yes , we have been there for my father's birthday. 2.have you been out of europe? – yes, i have been to canada, morocco and turkey. and which did you like best? 3. has it stopped raining yet? 4. how long is it since they were at your place? 5. have you met my fiancée yet? 6. how did it get into my pocket? 7.you have forgotten to book the tickets,haven't you? 8. how long is it since you last talked? 9. when did he say he would come? 10. i saw him the other day. 11. we ran out of milk. 12. have you paid the bills? -not yet. i haven't had a spare minute during the day. 13. he certainly meant what he said. 14. as soon as the match started the audience began shouting. 15. it was no use arguing with him at that time. 16. have you seen the new santana video? 17. why did you call me? 18. have you remembered to water the plants before we left? 19. have you come to school by car today? 20.where have you been during the meeting?

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