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До іть будь ласка E. Complete the blanks with the adverbs of the adjectives in brackets.

Last month, Julia entered the talent contest at school. She chose her song (1) (careful) and practised
2) (hard) every evening. On the day of the contest, she arrived at school. 3) (early), but the contest started 4)(late) and she was on last. So she waited a long time. Luckily, the students before her sang 5) (terrible) but Julia sang very 6)(good). At the end of the contest, Mr Philips walked on the stage 7)(slow) and read out the winner's name, "Julia!" All the students shouted "Hurray!" 8)(loud). It was a great night!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my friend entered the medical institute last year.   (past simple)

мой друг поступил в медицинский институт в прошлом году.

entered - to enter

2. they are organizing this kind of work at their laboratory.   (present continuous)

они организуют такую работу в своей лаборатории.

are organizing - to organize

3. здесь должно быть:

либо "he has entered the institute" (present perfect)

он поступил в институт

либо "he entered the institute last year" (past simple)

он поступил в институт в прошлом году.

entered - to enter

4. did you pass your exams on friday well?   (past simple)

хорошо ли вы сдали экзамены в пятницу?

pass - to pass

5. it was on april 26 1755 that the opening of moscow university took place.   (past simple)

26 апреля 1755 года состоялось открытие московского университета.

was - to be

took place - to take place

6. do you receive letters from your friends?   (present simple)

вы получаете письма от своих друзей?

receive - to receive

7. i shall come to the institute at 9.   (future simple)

я приду в институт в 9 часов.

shall come - to come

8. can you tell me who is sitting next to you?   (present simple)

вы можете сказать мне, кто сидит рядом с вами?

tell - to tell

9. she has not received any good results.   (present perfect)

она не получила никаких хороших результатов.

has received - to receive

10. i have attended lectures on history since may. (present perfect)

с мая я посещаю лекции по .

have attended - to attend

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