Есть ответ 👍

Посмотрите на изображение, на котором находятся брат и сестра. Расскажите о том:

- где они находятся;

- что они делают;

- во что они одеты.

В вашем ответе должно быть не менее пяти предложений. Если во время ответа вы описываете длительное действие (они стоят, они ожидают), надо пользоваться временной формой present continuous. Слова, которые вам могут при ответе: to arrive – прибывать (куда-либо); to hold – держать; to shout – кричать; to smile – улыбаться; to take a photo – делать фото; to wait – ждать; to wear – носить (одежду).
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Ответы на вопрос:

The siblings are waiting at a bus stop. While they are waiting for the bus.

His sister is holding a phone to take a picture of her brother. He is not amazed by this idea and is not smiling for the picture. The boy is wearing a blue shirt and the girl a black sweater.


1. mr. brown is rich, isn't he? 2. the coffee will be ready soon, won't it? 3. janice broke her arm, didin't she? 4. the post office is not far from here, is it? 5. it is cold outside, isn't it? . 6. it’s hard to do it , isn't it? 7. there were a lot of people in the room, werent there? 8. i am right, am i not? 9. there is someone at the door, isn't there? 10. it is beginning to snow , isn't it? 11. there is a storm approaching , isn't there? 12. they had a great party on christmas, didn't they? 13. these are the books i have been looking for. aren't they? . 14. nobody knew the answer, did they? 15. help us, won't you? 16. he used to call us every sunday, didn't he? 17. he cannot come with us, can he?

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