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4. Complete the sentences with her, she, them, you, him, it, they, he. Example: a) 'Where's your brother? 'He's in Spain nou. a) "Where's your brother?'. 's in Spain now." b) David and Tom are nice people. Do you know 2 c) It's a good book. Do you want to read 2 d) Are you okay? Can I help 2 e) 'Where are my notebooks?'. 're on my desk. f) Today's Daniel's birthday. This present is for 2 g) Who's she? Do you know h) My mother isn't at home. 's at work. 5. Complete the sentences. Use can and can't and the verbs

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. something

2. nothing

3. somebody

4. some (вообще, отчасти зависит от контекста, а тут его нет, так что скорее всего some...)


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