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1 Complete the zero, first and second conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 If we
(live) in a warmer country, we could go to the beach every day.
2 When I have a headache, I will le
(lie) on my bed and rest.
3 My mum always give
(give) me lots to drink if I have a temperature.
4 If my legs were longer, I
(be) really good at volleyball.
5 If they get up early tomorrow, they
(go) to the mountains.
6 How would you feel if you
(win) a race at the Olympics?
7 If I
(pass) all my exams, I'll become a dentist.
8 They
(enjoy) their holiday in India more if they learn about the culture.
9 She
(feel) a lot better if she stopped watching so much TV.
10 If you brush your teeth twice a day, you
(not need) to see the dentist so much.

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Ответы на вопрос:

For future life. without them we can't live goodly.

Популярно: Английский язык