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Составьте ситуацию со следующими словами: 1. the Ministry, a manager, to do business, different countries, a lot of
businessmen, to discuss contracts, to sell (to buy) other goods

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The Ministry allocated money to the school to buy new books -

Министерство выделило школе деньги, чтоб купить новые книжки;

a manager asked his employees to work better - менеджер попросил своих работников чтоб они работали лучше;

to do business is not easy, but if you learn it is easy - вести бизнес дело не простое,  но если научится то дело лёгкое;

different countries eat different food, each food is delicious in its own way - разные страны едят разную еду, каждому по-своему еда вкусная;

discussing contracts is the business of ministers or presidents, but sometimes it is interesting to listen to them yourself -  обсуждать контракты дело министров или президентов, но иногда самому интересно их послушать;

sell other goods to make money or get rid of unnecessary things - продавать товары можно, чтоб заработать деньги или избавится от не нужных вещей

Monopoly" board game in the genre of economic strategy for two or more people. were very popular in the xx century in many countries of the world was also known under the title of "manager", "empire", "businessman" etc. the goal of the game — utilizing the starting capital to achieve the bankruptcy of other players. in fact, "monopoly" is a playing field, consisting of squares that are in the circle, all players in turn.

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