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Какие из следующих форм глагола должны быть здесь соответственно исполь- зованы: Infinitive, Present Participle, Past Simple или Past Participle? a) She (работать) in a restaurant a few years ago. b) He has just had his hair (резать). c) The car was almost brand-new when it was (украсть). d) I used to (играть) the guitar regularly. e) You can (бросить) the paper away - I've read it. f) The river remained (закрыть) for shipping for weeks because of high water. g) Mysister is (nутешествовать) through Mexico right now. h) Joe has never (думать) about looking for another job. i) Jennifer would (шить) the skirt herself if she had time. j) Mymum always tells me (быть) careful. k) Todd lay (дремать) in the sun for hours and got a sunburn. I) Mrs Carstairs noticed the burglars (бродить) her garden in time to (звонить) the police. m) (nутешествие) requires time, money and good nerves. n) Last weekend we (ходить) to the cinema and afterwards we (сидеть) in a nice bar. o) People are (шутить) that (плавать под парусами) is equivalent to (принять) a cold shower and (рвать) £50 notes at the same time.

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Ответы на вопрос:

b) in January

c) at half past twelve

d) in 2019

e) last Sunday

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