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До іть, будь ласка, дуже терміново! (72 б) Кейт Гілмор — бідна молода актриса. Лілі Шоуборн – багата зірка. Кейт все робить сама, а Лілі платить іншим людям за це. Напиши, що каже Лілі.
E. g.
Kate Gilmore: I dyed my hair yesterday.
Lily Showbourne: I had my hair dyed yesterday.

1) I make all my costumes. 2) I enjoy entertaining people. 3) I’m going to cook dinner tonight. 4) I like doing my make-up. 5) I make my bed every day. 6) I had painted my flat before I moved in. 7) I’ll manicure my nails.

8) I write letters to my fans.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear jane, thank you for your letter! how are you? on saturday my brother is going to go to the cinema on film "kitchen" mum and dad are going to ride on dacha for works in garden. on saturday my sister is going to go to the picnic with her friends. she will to make sandwiches and take a little milk with some cookies. anya make cookies every month. sometimes it cookies with chocolate, notes or raspberry. and i must to do my homework. on sunday oll family will have a big dinner. it is our tradition! on this day my mum do chicken or duck with patatoes, carrots and olives! it's very delishes! best wishes, see you soon, love alina

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