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Сообщение "На что подростки будут тратить деньги в 2040 году?"

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Ответы на вопрос:

1telling 2 denied 3 postponing 4 their arrival 5 to see 6 buying 7 to seeing 8 before going 9 stay 10 someone climbing 1 taking 2 to be 3 day-dreaming/to day- dream 4 playing/to play 5 talking 6 starting 7 not having 8 to have 9 being 10 point 1 i regret to inform you that we have 2 funnily enough i'd rather eat 3 our parents didn't let us drink 4 i suggest taking a train 5 she managed to persuade her 6 this door appears to be 7 one of the things i can't stand 8 the singer worth waiting 9 jack insisted on catching 10 i'm looking forward to

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