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PROGRESS CHECK UNIT 2 PASSIVE VOICE Variant 4 Task 1. Bb6epute npaBujbhbi Bapaht. (Passive voicel Active voice) 1. She ... flowers by Steve. a) was given b) gives c) gave 2. Many people in Russia ... English well. a) was spoken b) speak c) is spoken 3. A lot of homework ... to us by our teacher. a) give b) were given c) was given 4. This present ... to my sister next week. a) will be give b) will be given 5. The story a) is told b) tells c) was tell c) will give ... by my grandma. Task 2. Преобразуй предложения в Passive Voice. 1) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor. 2) Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans. 3) They grow coffee in Kenia. 4) The students handed in the reports. 5) Someone else will break the windows. 6) The English drink a lot of tea every year. 7) His teacher will punish him. a Task 3. Преобразуй предложения в Active Voice. 1) The windows were broken by the burglars. 2) America was discovered by Cristopher Columbus. 3) Shoes are cleaned by me every Friday. 4) Poems are written by the little boy. 5) Football is played by two teams of eleven players. 6) Hamlet was written by Shakespeare. 7) The first plane was flown by the Wright brothers.

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Меня зовут настя,мне 11 лет.дом будущего для меня выглядит так: внутри дома стоит большой стол,а по всему дому людям людям роботы.а дом передвигается по мыслям человека,куда ему человек прикажет туда и пойдёт.     это всё что пришло в мою

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