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Listening B (13] Listen to an interview about 4. pickpockets and decide if the statements 1-5 are true (T) or false (F). [14] Listen to three short conversations and for each question 1-3 circle the correct answer A-C. 1 The rate of pickpocketing in the area is rising - Recording 1 1 The woman wants to buy ... 2 Pickpockets make most money from stealing jewellery. A a classic CD. | Ba film on DVD. 3 Local pickpockets don't know each other. Ca game on DVD. - 4 The police have already arrested five pickpockets Recording 2 2 The woman likes the shirt, because it . 5 The policeman advises not to keep cash in a bag. A has got long sleeves. B doesn't have a collar. 6 The pickpocket was reported to have been wearing an earring. C goes well with another item. 7 Anyone who has seen the man described should call the police at 876354. Recording 3 3 The conversation takes place at the. Mark: 17 A hairdresser's. B electrical store. C hardware shop. Mark: 13

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1) продавец хотел чтобы я заплатил картой 2)алиса ты любишь одевать на её маму платья?

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