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Ex2. Open the brackets using 2 and 3 conditional types. 1 If you (have) a driving license, you (gel) this job. (Eсли бы у тебя были водительские

права, ты бы получил эту работу )

2 1 (go) to the police iti (be) you (Я бы обратился в полицию на твоем месте)

3 if people (not buyy guns the world (become) safer (Если бы люди не покупали оружие, мир стал бы безопаснее.)

4. Tom (not eat) much fast food if his wite (cook) at home (Том не ел бы много «Фастфуда>> если бы его жена готовила дома.)

5 I (visit) Sarah yesterday If I (know) that she was Ill (Я бы навестил Сару вчера если бы знал, что она больна

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1.my brotherwas at home yesterday.

2.the lecture was intresting yesterday.

3.it was very cold yesterday.

4.mary was on holiday last moth.

5.she was a schoolgirl in 2005.


1. max and alex were ill to days ago.

2.were you ill last week?

3.we were in paris last year.

4.my sister and i were in time.

5. max and mary were busy.

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