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2.14 Listen again and write true or false for sentences 1-4. 1 Jana usually does her homework. 2 Piotr never watches DVDs and listens to music in English. 3 Jana often revises before a test. 4 Piotr sometimes revises before a test.

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Вставьте пропущенные слова:

10.If she c) wants, she will move to Moscow.

a) to want; b) want; c) wants; d) will want.

11.If you wanted, you b) would move to Moscow.

a) will; b) would; c) shall; d) have;

12. The girl c) saved by that dog is my neighbour.

a) save; b) saves; c) saved; d) saving;

13.Having a) finished the necessary work we received the award.

a) finished; b) finish; c) finishes; d) finishing;

14.She suggests that we all d) go to the park.

a) going; b) goes c) went; d) go;

15.I wish c) could I drive a car.

a) am able to; b) can; c) could; d) was able to;

16. The radio is too loud, b) turn it down, please.

a) turn up; b) turn down; c) turn off; d) turn on;

17.I'm looking a) forward to summer vacation.

a) forward to; b) for; c) in; d) after;

18. They watched d) him entering the room.

a) he; b) she; c) her; d) him;

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