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E. Complete the dialogues with the Present Simple, the Present Progressive or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 1. A: So where (we/go) for the school trip? (think) Mrs Davis said Sorrento was the final decision B: 1 went A: That's good. I (go) there with my parents last year and his really (enjoy) it. Corear o are rapu muse B: Sorrento is such a beautiful place! A: Also, since we (travel) there in June, it will be warm enough to swim. opramzybam car user B: Yes, and Mrs Davis has arranged for us to go on a trip to one of the nearby islands. 3 Cur A: That (sound) wonderful! I can't wait to go! geld 2. A: Hi, Paul. When (you / fly) to Spain? B: 1 (leave) next week. bercio A: So, (you / do) the three-week intensive Spanish course? B: Yes, at the school you (go) to last year... in Cadiz. A: Ah, yes. I with a host family. They (have) a great time there last summer; I (stay) (be) really nice and their son Miguel (show) me around the city. (you / know) anyone in Cadiz? (stay) with a friend. B: Yes, A: Great! That (mean) you'll get to try some home-cooked traditional Spanish food. 19

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. at   ten o'clock, at   2.15 p.m.

2. on monday, on   tuesday

3. on monday morning, on tuesday afternoon

4. at the weekend, at   weekends

5. at   christmas, at easter

6. in   january, in   february

7. on   1st may, on 7th june

8. in 1930, in   1992, in   2001

9. in   the summer, in   the winter

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