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5 N You should make sure you know school. When do you do each s teachers do you have? Do you school uniform, or can you wea clothes? Learn the school rules what you must and mustn't do Don't forget to call your old fri stay in touch with your classm old school. They can really he unhappy. One day, you'll hav- of friends, but your old group important. You can use emai to chat. You shouldn't change to ge you. You have to be yoursel other people will like you fo You should join school club It's a great way to meet pe classroom with the same i

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1) зачем нужно говорить на ?   2) трудно ли для тебя учить ? 3) сейчас популярен? 4) как ты учишь ? 5) нравится ли тебе изучать ?  

Популярно: Английский язык