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1. "Im preparing for the trip," Said Ramy. 2. The geologist says, "Earthquakes are unpredictable. They had put man in a dilemma.
3. "I have never seen a lion," Said Samy.
4. «We will visit the pyramids next week," the tourist said.
5. "I was absent from school because I was late,"
6. They said, "The criminal wrote a letter before he committed suicide."
7. Ali said to Sanmy, " Орen the door, please."
8. "Don't cross that road." He warned her.
9. "Do your homework, Emad," Mr. Rady told Emad.
10. Once, my brother asked me, "Is the world warming up? Are factories responsible to this? "
11. "Did you enjoy the film, Salah?" Gamal asked Salah.
12. "Have you ever seen a lion ?" Ahmed asked Ali.
13. Hossam said "Are you tired tody?"
14. "Do you go to work by bus?" I wanted to know.
15. The teacher asked Fuad, "Why were you absent yesterday?"
16. "When did you arrive at the party?" Iasked Omar
17. "Whose book is this?" Iwondered...
18. Мy mother asked me, "Do you prefer sport to TV?"

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Ответы на вопрос:

2 wrong! A canary hasn't got long wings. it's has got a short wings.

3 Wrong! A canary hasn't got hooves. It's has got a paws.

4 Wrong! A canary hasn't got fur. It's has got a plumage

5 Wrong! A canary hasn't got a huge head. It's has got a little head.

6 Wrong!A canary hasn't got a long neck. It's has got a short neck.


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