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5 ** Fill in: through, off, in, away, of, to. 1 The Diamond Centre was host a major sporting event. 2 While the tournament was on, the gang set their plan motion. 3 Notarbartolo disposed his bag at the side of the road. 4 The gang managed to break security 5 The thieves got from the scene of the crime. 6 The gang turned the alarm system before entering the vault. .

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Iwould like to live with my best friend kate.   я хотел бы жить со своей лучшей подругой катей. she is kind and merry. она добрая и веселая.  she always hepls me.   она всегда мне . she is a very interesting person.   она интересный человек.   i like to talk to her, to watch films with her, to walk with her. it is always interesting and fun to be with her.

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